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Architecture In Ink Series (2021)

Architecture In Ink Series

The first series by Lewis Johnston, comprises a collection of 10 art works in the mediums of Ink and white gel pens being the subject of city skylines.

The aim of this series was to create a style expressing architecture in its basic elements, detailed, yet abstract. Reducing detailed variation down to straight lines, rectangles, and geometric shapes, helps to capture the essence of architecture in its basic raw form. All possible colours limited to just black, white and red or blue helps to further accentuate focus on the architectural elements, yet highlighting characteristic features on the buildings.

The lack of detailed variation within the art style creates a flow effect as the buildings collage into a uniform appearance. This expresses that city of a collective identity forming the character for the city as a whole.

The series was worked on over august to December 2021, which took around 400 hours in whole. A focus on accuracy with linework and how the mediums are applied was important in producing a almost machine like style, complimenting the rigid geometric architectural (man-made) form.

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